Your Best Life

At ME-HER-US, we believe that living a fulfilling life is more important than being happy.  Why?  Because happiness is fleeting and impermanent; it won't strengthen our resolve or perseverance during the tough times - and let's face it, there are always going to be times that test us.

Fulfillment is about being connected to something that sustains us; a vision that is bigger and bolder than ourselves.  It is a mission and a calling that keeps us going when the going is challenging.

Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, explained the difference between happiness and fulfillment this way: "We don't always like our children, but we always love them. " 

At ME-HER-US, we believe your best life is about being fulfilled in your work, play, home, relationship and spiritual realms.  If you are not fulfilled in one or more of these areas, then everything is impacted in some way - small or large.  


We're Stressed and Burning Out!

In the past two years, burnout rates among women have increased while rates for men have decreased. 

Let’s stop for a moment to process that statement again! 

During an unprecedented global pandemic, a time of school closures, economic downturn, social turmoil as well as social and economic uncertainty, burnout rates among men dropped.

Most women are NOT surprised!  Let's expose some of the elephants in the room

  • First, as much as we talk about how the roles of men have changed in the past 20 - 30 years, the reality is that women still carry the majority of the child-rearing and emotional support responsibility in families; even families without children.

  • Second, the workplace is different for women. And the source of that difference is rooted in other people's expectations of a woman's role and her behavior. These "other people" are not just men, it's other women too! The unspoken rules that govern a woman's behavior and her work allocation are not only unfair, they're heavily entrenched at societal and unconscious levels. And not only don't these rule apply to men, men are actually directly benefiting.



We are dedicated to teaching women how to go from 






We bring women together in community to hold space for each other and share deep connection. 

We show you how to identify what's not working in your life and how you can implement lasting change. 

We walk with you in support of the changes you want to implement.  

We never judge, shame or guilt you - We know change is hard and we're there to hold you during the successes, the stumbles and the breakthroughs.  

We tackle the stuff that gets in YOUR way! 

Are you a professional "starter"?

Change is hard!  And most of us have tried to change something about our situation more than once.  We've done it so often, we're professionals when it comes to "starting" a change.  It doesn't matter whether it's dieting, asking for a raise, moving to a new position or embarking on significant life events like divorce.  Often, we've tried so many times that we've grown weary of trying and failing.  

Have you found yourself making bargains with yourself or others only to find yourself back in the same situation a few months or weeks later?

We did too.

Change is Possible!

There are specific reasons that make change difficult and we tackle them directly in our program.  That's what makes us different. That's why we can absolutely tell you the change you want to make to live your best life is possible and within your grasp!

About ME

From 2011 thru 2016, I struggled with burnout. I felt broken; exhausted beyond imagining, numb and deeply ambivalent about everything. And, when I really thought hard about it, I had been feeling this way for years. There so was much I didn’t know or understand at the time, but I knew: Moving to a new job was not a solution. Spa days, massages, or vacations were not helping to fix what ailed me.

There was a day in September 2015, when in conversation with my husband, I said I would keep working, but my exhaustion was so pervasive that, without something changing, I was only going to be alive another 12-18 months. I wasn't being melodramatic, it was just a deep certainty of the emotional and health impact of my situation.

Everything changed that day - not for me, for him. For the prior two years, we'd discussed my desire for a break from work. But financially, how do you leave a good career with excellent salary and benefits; it wasn’t like either of us were spring chickens at 51 and 57. And, with 3 children under 10, the smart decision was to just continue to “tough it out”.  But hearing me say, "this is literally killing me", clicked something deep inside both of us - it was life and death.

So, in February 2016, the day before my youngest's seventh birthday, I did the unthinkable - I walked away from my career with absolutely no plan! The only plan I had was that I was going to take twelve months off.  It's what I thought I needed to sleep, rest and do something (anything) that was not emotionally overwhelming; anything where I could find some acceptance or feel valued, needed or wanted. Mostly, I was saddened and anxious because I didn't know how I had led myself to this point. How had I done everything I was supposed to do to "be happy" and yet find myself completely miserable?  It turned out twelve months wasn’t enough time. Ten months after my self-imposed “break” my anxiety about returning to work was so extreme I couldn’t even update my resume.

The past 6 years have been a long, hard won battle back to myself.  Through my journey, I learned who I really am, what I need and the gifts I bring to the world. I’ve learned to stand for myself and in doing so, to model for those around me what it means to practice self-compassion. I learned that many things I was told were “my” issues are not, and I learned to own and work through those things in me that were mine to address. And because I've done this work, I know it's possible to successfully implement whatever you need to create your best life.  

Is it easy?  No.  
Is it possible?  Yes.

It took me five years of reading, research, therapy, school work, practice and work because this program was not available at the time.  I want to save you the time and the stumbles.  I'm a Gestalt Professional Certified Coach, a Certified Level 2 Women's Circle Facilitator, and I bring more than 30+ years of Corporate Leadership experience to my work.   If you're ready to change your situation and start living your best life, I'm ready to support you!

What You Get When You Join

Curious to know what's involved and what you get in the program?

We give you everything you need to move you from STUCK to UNSTUCK.

Regular Assignments, Reading and Book Work

Resources, videos, interactive worksheets and reference materials to explain, provide context and learning on the core topics covered in our Program.  We'll cover topics like:

  • What is Burnout
  • How is Burnout similar and different from Stress
  • Why stress is necessary
  • Good Stress vs Unhealthy Stress
  • Why women get stuck with "house work" at work and at home.
  • How house work, playing "nice" and being helpful are holding you back at work.
  • Ways in which Women self-sabotage at work.
  • Why it's so hard to say what we really want or mean.
  • How to discern what's my stuff to work on and what's OPC
  • How do I figure out what work is meaningful or fulfilling for me
  • Dealing with fear
  • Knowing when we need help

Admission to our Transformative program is currently closed. 

Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear when program enrollment opens.

ME-HER-US is about building a tribe; a community where we can support each other - not just in the challenges but in the humor too.

Leadership is not a title

Every woman is a leader every day; in our homes, extended families, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, churches, communities, and so on. Whether you realize it or not, women and girls are looking at you every moment and learning how to advocate for themselves by observing you.

You are a leader, a mentor and a guide. 
And, if you're like many of us, you're exhausted.

Our mission at ME-HER-US is to support you to be your best version of yourself. We provide a place where all women can rest and be heard. We believe that when we are held, seen and heard, we can find the strength to keep going because we have connection and community. 

We are not alone.

Our programs guide you to identify limiting beliefs, unresolved pain or emotional responses that are blocking your progress. If you are working hard and not achieving results, something is getting in your way.

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